Welcome to the Crusaders South Africa MC Application page.
    • The sole purpose of this form is to submit a request to join the Crusaders MC. Submitting this request does not guarantee any response or admission into the club under any circumstances. By submitting, you confirm that all information provided is accurate and truthful to the best of your knowledge. Please note the following before applying:

    • Commitment: Joining the Crusaders MC requires a high level of commitment, loyalty, and respect for the club's values and brotherhood.
    • Prospecting Process: Acceptance into the club involves a rigorous prospecting period, where your dedication will be tested and evaluated by the club�s leadership.
    • No Guarantees: Submission of this application in no way assures a callback, interview, or membership offer.
    • Confidentiality: Information submitted will be kept confidential within the club but must be accurate and complete. Falsification of any details will result in disqualification.
    • Behavior: Applicants must exhibit a strong sense of discipline, reliability, and a genuine passion for the motorcycle lifestyle. Any form of misconduct during or after the application process will be grounds for immediate rejection.
    • By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to these terms..
    • The information contained in this site is published by the users.

  • After registration the administrator of the site will verify your information and a confirmation mail will be sent to the supplied email address

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